Sunday, August 9, 2015

Test-Driving CuTest Unit testing framework (and it's memory leak issues)

I am currently evaluating CuTest as I was supposed to use it for embedded systems development. Using a memory leak detector, I found out that there is a memory leak when suites are nested. I forked it and made some modifications on the CuTest source code to resolve the memory leak. The changes are very simple and was tested very lightly as of the moment. Source Code Link  

Nevertheless, CuTest is a very good lightweight unit testing library.

Friday, August 7, 2015

RSA Encryption/Decryption Example Implementation for C#

Link to source code

Here is a very simple example implementation of RSA in C# using Private and Public key Encryption/Decryption. I also added an interface to be able to quickly switch between storage/loading of public/private keys  either to/from memory or XML files.